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  • Writer's pictureChristi

Zenitude #11: Purse Nightmares: Liberation, And Decluttering

(Originally written in 2015.) The Momma. As I get older, I find that I understand her more and more. Ever since I can remember, she has had terrible nightmares about losing her purse. Call it strange, but you know what I’m talking about. That heart-stopping, gasping for air moment when we think we’ve lost our purse? Well, it’s THAT feeling, only she has it in repeated nightmares. I hate that feeling when I’m awake – much less experiencing that feeling in a repeated nightmare. But give me time – it’s DNA. I’m sure she’s passed on the purse nightmare gene.

In the meantime, you’ll hardly ever find my purse setting on the floor. The wise Proverb is, “a purse on the floor is money out the door.” Do you see men putting their wallets on the floor! So y’all, don’t do it. Don’t ever put your purse on the floor. Why would we choose to put a purse on a restroom, work or restaurant floor? And avoid wallet and purse clutter. My sweet Georgia peach friend, Liz, a friend for 20 years (happy friend anniversary to us, Liz!), always told me that she kept her dollar bills crisp and in order and in a certain direction in her wallet. It’s money management and good luck.

So, here’s to decluttering your purse and sending my momma good vibes that she never loses her purse in real life.

Zenitude for today:

Liberate yourself from your cluttered purse – and keep your purse off the floor!


Tips for purse decluttering and liberation – and keeping it that way:

Buy a rectangular purse with a solid rectangular bottom. Sack purses or purses without a shape will ultimately have everything resting in a big sorry blob at the bottom. You’ll always be rooting for stuff!

Two straps. Long enough for your shoulder and short enough to hang from your forearm.

Center zipper compartment, an inside zippered compartment, one outer compartment.

Clean out receipts and junk at least once a week (or more). You know what I’m talking about: Do you really need that old piece of chewing gum that’s been in a wrapper since last year? Old movie stub? Used tissues – ick!? Expired coupons from 2013? A million loose pennies? Do you really need _______ fill in the blank. Get rid of it.

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